====== AS2 send channel ====== The AS2 transmission channel enables the connection via AS2 protocol. The send channel sends messages from the message basket (outgoing) to a stored URL. {{:images:sign_warning.png?nolink|}}**Note:** The AS2 sendchannel is part of one of the licensed [[en:ueberblick:ebiss_module:start|]]. ^GENERATED src="eBiss.Data.Resources.AS2SendChannel" changed=""^^ ^Properties^^ ^Name^Description^ |**Name**|The name of the channel| |**Channel type name**|The Type of the channel| |**Message direction**|For receive channels the direction of the received message (but require also for send channels)| |**Message box**|The message box| |**Public**|True if the channel should be visible in the sub node| |**Use as template**|If set, the EdInt address from the target will be used to calculate the URL, the certificate, etc.| |**URL**| |**Certificate**|The file with the own private key for signing the message. This is usually a p12-file.| |**Fallback certificate**|File containing a fallback certificate in case the Certificate expires in the next view days. Usually this value is empty.| |**Password**|Password of the certificate| |**Subject**|Subject of the certificat. Value is read from the certificate.| |**Expiration date**|Date the certificat expires, value is read from the certificate.| |**Recipient certificate**|File with the public certificate of the recipient. | |**Send MDN to**|If MDN is requested asynchrony, this field contains the address there the other side should send the MDN, e.g. http://my-server.com:| |**Request MDN to**|Usually "Edint"| |**Request signierte MDN**|Request signierte MDN| |**From- and To-Header**|Send Form- und To-Header, this is usually set to yes| |**Use parnter AS2-From**| |**SSL certificate**|File containing the own private certificate for SSL, usually a p12 file.| |**SSL password**|Password for the SSL certificate| |**Subject of the SSL certificate**| |**Accepted SSL Zertifikat**|The public cert of the opposite side. If not set, the cert of the opposite side is not validated.| |**Change logs**|The changes to the element are logged. The logging is activated in the [[en:hauptmenue:einstellungen:systemeinstellungen]], which is possible if a versioning license is available.| ^Properties (advanced)^^ ^Name^Description^ |**Sender validation**|How the sender address should be validated| |**Default sender**|The default sender| |**Recipient validation**|How the recipient address should be validated| |**Default recipient**|The default recipient| |**Immediate retries**|Retries, used by send channels. For some receive channels, the number of pickup attempts.| |**Auto uncompress**|Check if receipt data are compressed and then uncompress them| |**Log path**|Path for saving AS2 log-files (e.g. ./AS2Log). If empty no log file is written| |**Sign**|Should the sent message be signed.| |**Content-Typ**|Usually "application/edifact"| |**Signing Algorithmus**|The signing algorithm to be used.| |**Crypting algorithm**|The crypting algorithm to be used.| |**AS2-From ID**|The AS2-Form ID of the messages, if the AS2-From is not calculated by the Sender EdInt address.| |**Zip compression**|Compress the message| |**Timeout**|Timeout in Seconds, if 0 the default of 60 seconds will be used|