======= Typesets ======= Type records allow you to define special partner-specific configurations such as //Mappings, containerizers, communication channels, and entity types///, which can be loaded during job processing for the corresponding partner and used to process documents. ===== Applications ===== - For the determination of a partner-specific mapping in the [[en:prozessdefinition:jobs:jobsteps:allgemein:entitytransformer|]]-Jobstep.\\ If the property ByPartnersPreference or BySystemPartnersPreference is selected in the [[en:prozessdefinition:jobs:jobsteps:allgemein:entitytransformer|]]-Jobstep. - For triggering where [[en:prozessdefinition:jobs:jobsteps:allgemein:entityselector|]]-Jobstep.\\ If the strategy ByTargetTypeSet is selected in the selector. This means that the selector checks whether the adjacent entity type matches a mapping defined in the type records. - If no specific channel is selected in the [[en:prozessdefinition:jobs:jobsteps:kommunikation:channelsender|]]-jobstep, the settings of the partner or template partner or the communication channel optionally assigned to the outgoing type in the type set are used. - To determine a partner-specific containerizer\\ [[en:prozessdefinition:jobs:jobsteps:allgemein:entitymessagecreator|]]-Jobstep checks the type set settings and applies them. - For the determination of an [[en:howtos:alternative_kommunikation#tasksend_messages_via_a_specific_communication_channel|alternative communication address for send channel]]((see [[en:howtos:alternative_kommunikation|]])). - For the determination of an alternative EDIFACT UNB address when containerizing with the [[en:prozessdefinition:jobs:jobsteps:allgemein:entitymessagecreator]]((see [[en:howtos:alternative_kommunikation|]])). - For the determination of a setting for a specific Trading Partner ======= Topics ======= {{indexmenu>:en:partnerverwaltung:typset|navbar}}