====== LookupOwnLocationValue ====== This function takes a //Lookup table type name// (for translation tables, sizes or color codes), //the LookupKey// (Key) and a //Description// (Key-Description) as arguments and returns the associated //Lookup values// (translation values) from a partner's lookuptable, if any. This function searches for the associated //SystemPartnerLocation//. If a link of this lookuptable is not entered with the trading or system partner, it is created automatically if the AutoAddNewTables property true has been set in the //LookuptableType// look main table. In addition, the partner searches for the corresponding //Lookup values// to the //Lookup-Key//. If the //Key/// is not available, the //Keyentry// with associated description // (KeyDescription)// is created with the //Partner-Location-Lookup//. The //Key-Description// is optional and does not necessarily have to be specified. ==== Syntax : ==== LookupOwnLocationValue('LookupTabelleType', 'Key', 'KeyDescription') LookupOwnLocationValue('LookupTabelleType', 'Key') ==== Sample : ==== LookupOwnLocationValue('Sizes',@Ean,'Ean Calida') LookupOwnLocationValue('Sizes',@Ean)