====== LookupPartnerLocationValue ====== This function takes a lookup table type name (for translation tables, sizes or color codes), the LookupKey and a description (key description) as arguments, and returns the corresponding lookup values from a partner's main lookup table, if any. This function searches for the corresponding partner location (location). If a link of this lookuptable is not entered for the trading or system partner, it is created automatically if the AutoAddNewTables property has been set to true for the lookuptable type. Furthermore, the corresponding lookup values for the lookup key are searched for at the partner. If the key does not exist, the key entry with associated description (KeyDescription) is newly created in the partner location lookup. The key description is optional and does not necessarily have to be specified. ==== Syntax: ==== LookupPartnerLocationValue('LookupTabelleType', 'Key', 'KeyDescription') LookupPartnerLocationValue('LookupTabelleType', 'Key') ==== Sample: ==== LookupPartnerLocationValue('Sizes',@Ean,'Ean Calida') LookupPartnerLocationValue('Sizes',@Ean) ==== Hint==== By default the partner of the message will be use, you can change the partner calling one of the following mapping functions: * Unordered List Item[[transformation:mappings:funktionen:abfragefunktionen:lookup:tpbackendid|]], [[transformation:mappings:funktionen:schreibfunktionen:setpartnerlocation|]],[[transformation:mappings:funktionen:abfragefunktionen:lookup:tradingpartnerbackendreference|]] or[[transformation:mappings:funktionen:abfragefunktionen:lookup:ownlocationbackendreference|]]