====== XPath structur as input and result ====== In the following a mapping function which gets the root node of the document, reads the document structure from it and then returns an XPath structure. namespace eBiss { public class Excel : IMapFunctionExtender { [MappingFunction] public XPathNodeIterator FlipColumns(System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator itc) { XPathNodeIterator returnValue = null; if (itc != null && itc.MoveNext() == true) { MapDocNavigator mapNav = itc.Current as eBiss.ClassLib.Maps.MapDocNavigator; if (mapNav != null) { Dampfturbine_Meldedaten meldedaten = mapNav.CurrentElement.Instance as Dampfturbine_Meldedaten; if (meldedaten != null) { MachinesRoot machineTypeRoot = new MachinesRoot(meldedaten); returnValue = machineTypeRoot.AsPathNodeIterator() } } } return returnValue; } } }