===== Standard Object Attributes ===== Depending on class **eBiss.Api**. ==== Description("abcde") ==== This text allows you to document interfaces. The text between the brackets is displayed in the Mapping Designer under the field name. ==== MapExternalName("Name") ==== If the **Field-Name** **inadmissible special characters**, this can be specified as **MapExternalName**. A **Alias name without special characters** can be specified as the field name. ==== MapFrameDocNo ==== (({{:images:sign_warning.png?nolink|}}**Note:** If the attributed value changes between documents, a new container is created.)) This attribute identifies the document number field that the analyzer requires when it reads the information. ==== MapFrameDocumentDate ==== (({{:images:sign_warning.png?nolink|}}**Note:** If the attributed value changes between documents, a new container is created.)) Saves the read **document date** as **FrameValue** so that it can be retrieved and evaluated by eBiss when analyzing a document. ==== MapFrameDocumentNumber ==== (({{:images:sign_warning.png?nolink|}}**Note:** If the attributed value changes between documents, a new container is created.)) Saves the read **document number** as **FrameValue** so that it can be retrieved and evaluated by eBiss when analyzing a document.| ==== MapFrameDocumentRecipient ==== (({{:images:sign_warning.png?nolink|}}**Note:** If the attributed value changes between documents, a new container is created.)) Saves the read **document receiver data** as **FrameValue** so that it can be retrieved and evaluated by eBiss when analyzing a document. ==== MapFrameDocumentSender ==== (({{:images:sign_warning.png?nolink|}}**Note:** If the attributed value changes between documents, a new container is created.))|Stores the read **document sender data** as **FrameValue** so that it can be retrieved and evaluated by eBiss when analyzing a document. ==== MapFrameInterchangeRecipient ==== ((same as MapFrameDocumentRecipient))|Stores the read **Interchange Recipient Data** as **FrameValue** so that it can be retrieved and evaluated by eBiss when analyzing a document. ==== MapFrameInterchangeReference ==== (({{:images:sign_warning.png?nolink|}}**Note:** If the attributed value changes between documents, a new container is created.))|Stores the read **Interchange reference number** as **FrameValue** so that it can be retrieved and evaluated by eBiss when analyzing a document. ==== MapFrameInterchangeSender ==== ((same as MapFrameDocumentSender))|Stores the read **Interchangeable data** as **FrameValue** so that it can be retrieved and evaluated by eBiss when analyzing a document. ==== MapFormat() ==== Formats a NullableNumeric or DateTime field for output. **Parameter:** - mandatory: string formatString: Formatting such as "#. 00". - optional: MapFormatScope**.Read or. **.Write or. **.**ReadWrite: Declares when to format. - optional: bool InvariantCulture: true enforces formatting according to InvariantCulture, regardless of the local formatting settings, false or omission of the parameter uses the local formatting settings of the computer running eBiss . **Samples:** [MapFormat("###.000", MapFormatScope.Write, true)] formats the nullable-numeric value 102.50 in the field to "102.500"when writing. [MapFormat("###.000", MapFormatScope.Write)]Formats the nullable-numeric value 102.50 in the field when writing to "102,500". [MapFormat("###.000", MapFormatScope.Read)] formats the nullable-numeric value 102.50 in the field when reading to "102,500". [MapFormat("{0,-20:0.000}")]Output of the numerical value in a width of 20 characters, left-justified, with 3 decimal places. [MapFormat("{0,20:0.0}")]Output of the numerical value in a width of 20 characters, right-justified, with a decimal place. [MapFormat("dd.MM.YY")]Formats the date value. {{:images:sign_warning.png?nolink|}}**Note:** If you want to format the value of a string field in the target object, you must use the [[en:transformation:mappings:funktionen:numerisch:formatnumber|FormatNumber]] or [[en:transformation:mappings:funktionen:numerisch:customnumber|CustomNumberFormat]] function in the mapping. ==== MapIgnore ==== Field is **not filled with data** when reading a document, or is not **written** when creating documents. [MapIgnore(MapIgnoreScope.OnRead)] ==== MapIgnoreBase ==== Ignore base class. If no parameter (**bool b**) is specified, the default value is set to true. ==== MapInterchangeRecordAttribute ==== FIXME ==== MapListType(typeof("classname")) ==== Required if documents **contain multiple** values of the same data element ((e. g. items)). ==== MapMinOccurs(1) ==== **MapMinOccurs(1)** is set to 1 by default if no parameter is specified and means that this list contains at least one parameter. is once contained in the **Order object**. ==== MapRequired ==== Field must be filled with **data** when reading **document**, otherwise an **error message** is displayed. The target field must be used when writing **Write**. ==== MapSize() ==== **MapSize** specifies the length in characters (Fixed Length in Byte). ==== MapSupressRecordTag ==== If, for example for CSV files without line types. ==== MapTrigger ==== Auxiliary attribute to trigger the beginning of the next document. ==== MapXmlHandling ==== Attribute for controlling the XmlWriter. * **HandlingType.AsAttribute :** Display fields within a class as attributes within the xml tag ((if XML Writer is set to XML Behavior = "Field as Text")).((Sample: )) * **HandlingType.AsText :** Display fields within a class as text between two xml tags. * **HandlingType.AsTextDefault :** Display fields within a class as text only.((Sample: **2020-03-09T00:00:00.0000000+01:00**)) * **HandlingType.MapXmlHandlingSupress**: Do not output field. **Sample:**[MapIgnore(MapIgnoreScope.OnRead), MapXmlHandling(MapXmlHandlingAttribute.HandlingType.AsAttribute)] public string xmlns = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/dynamics/2011/01/documents/Message"; ==== MapXmlNamespaceAttribute ("Xml namespace prefix",". NET namespace") ==== Allows mapping of a. NET namespace to an XML namespace. If a class is assigned the attribute, all fields in the namespace of this class (when reading and writing) are assigned the corresponding prefix. By default, only elements (tags) are fully qualified, but this behavior can be influenced by the different constructors of the MapXmlNamespaceAttribute. ==== MapXmlNamespaceIgnoreAttribute ==== The above-mentioned functionality of the MapXmlNamespaceAttribute is suspended for the field marked with this attribute. ==== MapXmlNamespacePrefixAttribute("prefix") ==== Alternative to the above-mentioned functionality of the MapXmlNamespaceAttribute, this attribute can be used to provide individual fields with an XML namespace prefix. ==== MapXPathExpression ==== A Field with this attribute is calculated by the X-Path expression and should be tagged with MapIgnore(MapIgnoreScope.OnReadWrite) e.g.: [MapIgnore(MapIgnoreScope.OnReadWrite), MapXPathExpression("Addresses[@Kind='RCPT']/@ILN"), MapFrameDocumentRecipient] public string Sender{get; set; } public List Addresses { get; set; } {{:images:sign_warning.png?nolink|}}**Note:** MapXPathExpression is only evaluated by the [[prozessdefinition:repositorien:analysator:typen|XML and FlatFile Analyzer]]. ==== NotMapped ==== A data element equipped with this attribute is not available in mapping and is not used in the DB adapter.|