
The job step ExecuteExternal starts an external process eg: batch file, scripting, exe file, etc.

GENERATED src=„eBiss.ClassLib.Resources.JobSteps.ExecuteExternal“ changed=„„
TypeClass name of the jobstep
NameName for the jobstep that will appears in the job designer
DescriptionOptional description for the jobstep
The CommandThe external command, e.g. .\integration\sqlrun\sqlrun.exe
Command ArgumentesJedem Batchprozess können Macros und Argumente mitgegeben werden. Diese Argumente werden z.B. einem Script für den Verarbeitungsprozess übergeben. Mehrere Argumente sollten durch Semikolon getrennt werden.
Trace Standard OutputLog external process output.
Task for STDERRIf process write to STDERR1), a task will be created with the STDERR output.
Evalute return valueCreate task if return value is outside of 'OK Start' and 'OK End'.
OK StartAll return codes less than this are rated as error (see 'Evalute return value').
OK EndAll return codes greater than this are rated as error (see 'Evalute return value').
TimeoutTimeout in seconds, after which the job step is terminated with a task. -1 stands for no time limit. The default value for newly created job steps is 10 seconds.

The following JobSteps are usually connected to the ExecuteExternal

Standard Error: The default output stream for error notifications that are normally displayed on the console.