
Where-used list for mapping functions

If you want to obtain certainty about the use of a mapping function, you can proceed in the same way as described under Where-used list for mappings.

Note: Mapping functions can be used in mappings as well as in job definitions 1). For the search for complex expressions, special characters 2) must be correctly escaped.

As an alternative to the content search in eBiss Dump files, you can also search directly in the database.

Example SQL query for searching in mappings

DECLARE @find VARCHAR(70)   
--SET @find =  '$SerialShippingContainerCode';
SET @find =  'SG_16/RFF/DG_C506[[]@DE_1153=''VN'']/@DE_1154';
SET @find = CONCAT('%',@find,'%');
WITH Mappings AS (
    SELECT (SELECT Name FROM  [Node] WHERE Oid = Node_oid) AS Node, Name, CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), CONVERT(VARBINARY(MAX), [MapBytes])) AS MapDefinition
    FROM [MapDef]
SELECT Node,Name FROM Mappings WHERE MapDefinition LIKE @find;

Example SQL Query for Searching in Jobs

SELECT @find = 'Order Outbound';
SET @find = CONCAT('%',@find,'%');
WITH Jobs AS (
    SELECT (SELECT Name FROM  [Node] WHERE Oid = Node_oid) AS Node, Name, CONVERT(VARCHAR(MAX), CONVERT(VARBINARY(MAX), [JobBytes])) AS JobDefinition
    FROM [JobDef]
SELECT Node,Name FROM Jobs WHERE JobDefinition LIKE @find;

Note: Mapping functions also apply to job steps that support the specification of Expressions3).

Especially with EntityIfCase but also with other job steps (where expressions can be specified.
such as quotation marks, backslashes, percentage signs, square brackets on etc.