eBiss 3

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Version 3.2.186 (4.2.19)

ArticleSubscriptionSelectorDirectSql, Error handling

Errors in a mapping after the ArticleSubscriptionSelectorDirectSql are not evaluated. With this version, errors are connected to a message.

ChannelSender, target address

The destination address in the channel sender is now also determined via the template partner if this is set. This was previously only the case for the AS2 transmit channel.


The loading of values in the dashboard has been optimized and their evaluation has been outsourced to a background process.

Sytem settings

The system settings read only lock was removed.

DB Adatper

For systems returning unexpected values for Insert or Update statements, e.g. because of existing triggers or because ODBC only returns -1 or 0, the check of the return value can be triggered with the variable DontCheckCommitCount.


Need for new AS2 license! (see Version 3.2.181 (3.12.18))

New namespace for Excel (see Version 3.2.180 (26.11.18))

en/relnotes/version_3_2/version_03_02_186.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/20 08:15 by