AS2 send channel

The AS2 transmission channel enables the connection via AS2 protocol. The send channel sends messages from the message basket (outgoing) to a stored URL.

Note: The AS2 sendchannel is part of one of the licensed Modules.

GENERATED src=„eBiss.Data.Resources.AS2SendChannel“ changed=„„
NameThe name of the channel
Channel type nameThe Type of the channel
Message directionFor receive channels the direction of the received message (but require also for send channels)
Message boxThe message box
PublicTrue if the channel should be visible in the sub node
Use as templateIf set, the EdInt address from the target will be used to calculate the URL, the certificate, etc.
CertificateThe file with the own private key for signing the message. This is usually a p12-file.
Fallback certificateFile containing a fallback certificate in case the Certificate expires in the next view days. Usually this value is empty.
PasswordPassword of the certificate
SubjectSubject of the certificat. Value is read from the certificate.
Expiration dateDate the certificat expires, value is read from the certificate.
Recipient certificateFile with the public certificate of the recipient.
Send MDN toIf MDN is requested asynchrony, this field contains the address there the other side should send the MDN, e.g.<port>
Request MDN toUsually „Edint“
Request signierte MDNRequest signierte MDN
From- and To-HeaderSend Form- und To-Header, this is usually set to yes
Use parnter AS2-From
SSL certificateFile containing the own private certificate for SSL, usually a p12 file.
SSL passwordPassword for the SSL certificate
Subject of the SSL certificate
Accepted SSL ZertifikatThe public cert of the opposite side. If not set, the cert of the opposite side is not validated.
Change logsThe changes to the element are logged. The logging is activated in the System settings, which is possible if a versioning license is available.
Properties (advanced)
Sender validationHow the sender address should be validated
Default senderThe default sender
Recipient validationHow the recipient address should be validated
Default recipientThe default recipient
Immediate retriesRetries, used by send channels. For some receive channels, the number of pickup attempts.
Auto uncompressCheck if receipt data are compressed and then uncompress them
Log pathPath for saving AS2 log-files (e.g. ./AS2Log). If empty no log file is written
SignShould the sent message be signed.
Content-TypUsually „application/edifact“
Signing AlgorithmusThe signing algorithm to be used.
Crypting algorithmThe crypting algorithm to be used.
AS2-From IDThe AS2-Form ID of the messages, if the AS2-From is not calculated by the Sender EdInt address.
Zip compressionCompress the message
TimeoutTimeout in Seconds, if 0 the default of 60 seconds will be used