JSON Reader

Use the JSON read component to read messages in JSON format.


GENERATED src=„eBiss.Data.Resources.JsonReaderConfig“ changed=„„
NameThe name of the reader
Character encodingThe encoding use to read the data 1)
Auto detect encodingIf set, then first the character encoding is tried to be read from the transmitted file.
Reader config type
Ignore unknown keysIf set, then unknown keys including the values or possible substructures will be overread and will not lead to any errors.
Change logsThe changes to the element are logged. The logging is activated in the System settings, which is possible if a versioning license is available.
Possible values are: [ascii][utf-7][utf-8][windows-1252][windows-1250][utf-16][iso-8859-1][1000-MAC Roman][ibm852][ibm855][ISO-2022-jp][cp850]