eBiss 3

Hilfe & Dokumentation




Version 3.1.161 (25.5.18)

Set Interchange ID by Counter

In EntityMessageCreator job steps, you can now set a counter with which to identify the Interchange ID. You do that by using Frame Variables.

Counter Uniqueness

The Database now offers Unique Keys to ensure the uniqueness of counters. Should you already have duplicate entries in your database, an error of the following kind may occur:

 Error The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'dbo.CounterValue' and the index name 'UNIQUE_CounterValue_Unique'.  
 The duplicate key value is (6de1b5a1-9da8-4343-bccf-14bb0f976132, Default).
 The statement has been terminated.,  execute command CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UNIQUE_CounterDef_Unique ON CounterDef(Node_oid, Name);
 CREATE UNIQUE INDEX UNIQUE_CounterValue_Unique ON CounterValue(CounterDef_oid, RefName);

You have to find these errors and fix them carefully. For example, you can find them with:

  • select CounterDef_oid, RefName, Count(RefName) from CounterValue Group By CounterDef_oid, RefName Having Count(RefName) > 1
en/relnotes/version_3_1/version_03_01_161.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/02/20 08:15 von