eBiss 3

Hilfe & Dokumentation




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Automatic or manual setup

Basically, the setup is carried out via:

  1. Import with automatic configuration
  2. Manually set up the jobs
  3. Assign the “Web Access” right to the appropriate users

Automatic setup

It can be automatically set up via the import of job and event lists:

  • WebServerSession (job)
  • WebServer (eventlistener)

From the installation directory '.\StandardTemplates\WebServer'.

An event listener is created on the local address, on and port 8080. You may have to adapt this URL to your system.

Manual setup

  1. Create WebServer job

Create a job and add the Jobstep of type 'eBiss.WebServer.WebServerSessionJobStep' and connect it.

You can make the following settings here:

Name Meaning
SessionTimeout:Specifies the duration of the session in seconds.
WebConfigTemplate:Specifies the path for the template of the Webconfig.
WebConfigUpdateVeryHour:Specifies the interval of updates from the Webconfig template in hours

Save the job.

  1. Create WebServer EventListener

Create an event list (automation) and save the previously created job “WebServer” as a job.

Name Meaning
Users:Please enter a user with administrator rights here.
URL:In Url, enter the URL where the service is available, e.g. http://server.domain, http://server.domain:8080, or http://server.domain:8080/Webs/eBiss
Local directory:Please enter the directory of eBiss Web. In the normal case: “./Webs/eBiss/
Trace activated:Here you can activate the output of eBiss Web in Tracelog
Debug Trace:Extend Tracelog with debug information
MaxConnections:If you want to limit the number of simultaneous users on your eBiss Web system, you can enter a value here. -1 is standard, for any number of users

Web access right

In order for you to log in to eBiss Web, the corresponding user needs flag “Web access” on “User management” right in the rights management.

en/ueberblick/web/einrichtung/automatisch_manuell.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/02/20 08:15 von