eBiss 3

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Version 3.6.271 (28.9.22)

SFTP communication channels

Updated SFTP communication channels to use current encryption methods.

Last execution missing when starting messages manually

With the change of the message execution incl. preparation for the service, the setting of the “Last execution” date got lost, or was reset internally. The error is fixed.

Bugfix 'UNIQUE_LookupTableEntry_1'

The 'UNIQUE_LookupTableEntry_1' error could occur in multiple use of the mapping function LookupGlobalValue and in LookupTPValue, LookupValueDescription, LookupGlobalValueNoAuto, LookupGlobalKey.

The error is present in eBiss 3 for a long time and occurs rarely, because the above mentioned mapping functions per lookup table are mostly used only once in mapping are used.

The bug is fixed and the scenario is secured by unit tests.

Troubleshooting for GetMessageDocuments

The GetMessageDocuments method from ISession ran into an error due to a missing log. The bug was fixed and the method GetMessageDocuments method in the unit tests.

New mapping function CalcHash

New mapping function CalcHash..

Supplier TradeItemManager

Massive reduction of read and write database accesses in the TradeItemManager job step. As a result, the time required to post a PRICATS with approximately 100,000 articles could be reduced to 1/20th of the time.

Supplier ArticleSubscriptionSelectorDirectSql

Enhancement of logging in TradeItemManagerDirectSql among others when linking the processed articles.

Change log for SFTP server channels

Correction in the display of the change log for the SFTP server channels.

SFTP communication channels - certificates

Enhancement of SFTP receive channel and SFTP send channel to display certificate information for stored authentication certificate and automatic recognition of Open SSH certificates.

SFTP server communication channels

Update der SFTP Server Kommunikationskanäle auf die Rebex Version 6.5 (16.8.2022) und Anpassung des Laden vom PKCS #12 Zertifikat (.p12), womit der folgende Fehler behoben ist:

Sftp server error: bgzef.ycntu: Error while processing packet SSH_MSG_KEXDH_INIT. Key exchange failed. ---> bgzef.ycntu: Key exchange failed....

Detect e-mails with multiple recipients

The Channel Receiver recognizes the partner even if several recipients were specified separated by commas or semicolons when receiving an e-mail. The first partner found is used.

en/relnotes/version_3_6/version_03_06_271.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/20 08:15 by