eBiss 3

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Version 3.7.281 (26.5.23)

eBiss Supplier TradeItemManager

Bug fixes at JobStep eBiss Supplier TradeItemManager in case EANs are changed to article number/color/size.

If EANs were changed to article number/color/size in the past, then this could lead to an incorrect assignment for the article. To clean up these entries the Job Step eBiss.Supplier.RepairArticles was created. This JobStep is to be executed so often, until no errors are reported and no more tasks are created. Depending on the system, one or two runs are necessary for the repair.

Unique error Id for "Message with same ComRef on arrival already present."

The error number for the erro “Message with same ComRef on arrival already present.” was changed from the general error number:

  • 2402 (Channel Exception) changed to
  • 2407 with the designation 'Receiving doublet (ComRef available)'

ChannelSender, Attachment filtering

Extension of the ChannelSender with the options:

  • Don't send discarded: Attachments with the status discarded are not sent
  • Don't send status <: Attachments with the status discarded are not sent.

Bundling Events, AS2 MDN

An exception when sending the Asynchronous MDN, e.g. because the other side is not reachable, was not attached as a task to the received message. The error was only visible in the log and the message was set to not acknowledged. Fixed, a task is now created.

Search for articles

When searching for items with the filter by location, an error occurred, here the “DisplayName” was in the filter. This was fixed and the search was extended by:

  • Location city
  • Location name and
  • Name of the Partner

New mapping functions (SetTargetDocumentFrameSystemPartnerByTNr, ...)


Extension of INode by:

IVariableDefinition VariableDefinition(string name);

Of IVariableDefinition by:

IQueryable<IVariableInstance> Instances { get; }

Of IVariableInstance by:

IPartner Partner { get; }

No 'callback' from servcie to client

In the course of the change “No 'callback' from servcie to client” in version 3.7.279 the last line with the execution time was no longer was no longer output. This error is fixed.

en/relnotes/version_3_7/version_03_07_281.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/20 08:15 by