eBiss 3

Hilfe & Dokumentation




Creating Lookup Tables

To create a new value table, right-click on the Lookup Table node and choose Create from the context menu.

Enter a name for the Lookup Table under Name and select a value provider for the Lookup Table type. Right-click on the Value Tables node and select Create from the context menu to create a new entry for a value table.

Name Meaning
NameName of the table.
Autom. Add a keyIf this property is enabled, then a key is automatically added during lookup if it does not already exist in the lookup table.
Is publicIf activated, the table can be used for all subnodes.

Complete your entries by clicking on Save, so that your changes are transferred to the eBiss database.

To create a new entry, right-click on the Entries node and choose Create from the context menu. Properties of the entry

Name Bedeutung
SchlüsselSchlüssel des Eintrags.
BeschreibungBeschreibung des Eintrags.
Last requestedZeigt an, wann dieser Eintrag das letzte mal abgefragt wurde.
WertDer Wert des Eintrags.

Finish your entries again by clicking on Save, so that your changes are transferred to the eBiss database.

en/transformation/wertetabellentypen/anlegen.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/02/20 08:15 von