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The GetArticleDetailsByEAN function returns a node set with the article details as an Attibute to the transferred EAN. These can be evaluated using XPath (see example). The function should always be used with the XSLT path /Detail and can be supplemented with attributes if only certain ArticleDetails are to be returned. The items details loaded within a mapping are cached internally by the function, so that when you call GetArticleDetailsByEAN again with the same EAN, there is no further request to the data layer.


GetArticleDetailsByEAN('EAN', 'LocationGLN', 'scope', 'property')
  • EAN: The ean to search for.
  • LocationGLN: optional parameter of the location gln.
  • scope: optional parameter to reduce the amount of data:
    1. 'small': load only article details data (one Select)
    2. 'customobject': The item detail data is loaded together with the CustomObjects (two selects).
    3. 'medium': load also ArticleDetailAdditionalInfo, ArticleEAN and ArticleDetailCustomItems (4 selects)
    4. 'full': default value. Load also article texts and price lines (8 selects)
  • property: optional parameter to directly acdess a property of the article detail.

Or faster with:

GetArticleDetailsByEAN('EAN', '', 'small', 'Size')
Weitere ArticleDetail Attribute


This function should best be called using the ruleset structure as shown in the following diagram, so that all Ean's of the article in question are taken into account by integrated caching.getarticledetailbyean.jpg

en/transformation/mappings/funktionen/abfragefunktionen/get/getarticledetailbyean.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/20 08:15 by