eBiss 3

Hilfe & Dokumentation





This function takes a Lookup table type name (for translation tables, sizes or color codes), the LookupKey (Key) and a Description (Key-Description) as arguments and returns the associated Lookup values (translation values) from a partner's lookuptable, if any. This function searches for the associated SystemPartnerLocation. If a link of this lookuptable is not entered with the trading or system partner, it is created automatically if the AutoAddNewTables property true has been set in the LookuptableType look main table. In addition, the partner searches for the corresponding Lookup values to the Lookup-Key. If the Key/ is not available, the Keyentry with associated description (KeyDescription) is created with the Partner-Location-Lookup. The Key-Description is optional and does not necessarily have to be specified.

Syntax :

LookupOwnLocationValue('LookupTabelleType', 'Key', 'KeyDescription')
LookupOwnLocationValue('LookupTabelleType', 'Key')

Sample :

LookupOwnLocationValue('Sizes',@Ean,'Ean Calida')
en/transformation/mappings/funktionen/abfragefunktionen/lookup/lookupownlocationvalue.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/02/20 08:15 von