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The jobstep MessageSelector selects messages, which property according to gem. Function arguments1).

Name Meaning
TypeType of the job step.
NameName of the job step that will appear in the job designer
DescriptionOptional description for the job step.
ExpressionFunction whose result returns true or false. All messages on which the function applies are selected from the incoming message box (Inbox, SelectionBase / InputMessages).The message structure (SelectionBase) is often required to formulate conditions.
Log XPath callsIf activated, the values evaluated by the “XPath expression” are output when the debug log is active.

The outgoing connectors of the MessageSelector have different effects:

  • OnMessgeSelection outputs the whole selection, so it is operated once
  • OnMessage gives the individual message, i.e. it is served as often as there are messages in the selection.

Note: see also Evaluation or filtering of messages in jobs

Hinweis: You can test the expression using Mapping Function GetMessageAsSelectionBase.


  • Select Messages in message box To.Partner:
    //SelectionBase/OutputMessages[@MessageBoxName = 'To.Partner']
  • Select Messages without attachments.
    //SelectionBase/InputMessages[ count(Attachments) = 0]
  • Messages containing 'desadv' in the subject.
  • Messages with file Name Test.txt
    //SelectionBase/OutputMessages[Attachments/@Filename = 'Test.txt']
  • Messages with documents of doc type Pricat.
    //SelectionBase/InputMessages[Documents/@DocType = 'PRICAT']
  • Messages with documents of doc entity type Desadv D96A.
    //SelectionBase/InputMessages[Match(Documents/EntityType/@Name, '.*Desadv.*D96A')]
  • Messages with entry date .
    //SelectionBase/InputMessages[CompareDateTime(@EntryDate, '2007-01-29T17:50:00') > 0]
  • Messages with zip attachments.
    //SelectionBase/InputMessages[contains(Attachments/@Filename, '.ZIP')]
  • Messages of trading partner containing 'Test' equals true.
    //SelectionBase/InputMessages[IsTrue(GetTradingPartnerLocationVariable("Test", @PartnerGLN))]
  • Partner Variables auswerten:
    /SelectionBase/InputMessages[GetTradingPartnerVariable('No.EDI', @PartnerGLN) != 'True' ]

Note: The most important distinction is the path / SelectionBase / InputMessages and / SelectionBase / OutputMessages. Messages that are generated within a job with the MessageCreator are selected in the same job with / SelectionBase / OutputMessages and all messages sent to a job with / SelectionBase / InputMessages. All message properties2) that contain the message object can be used within the function. You will get a list of these attributes if you create a new mapping using the map editor and select the eBiss.ClassLib.MessageSelector.Selectionbase3 as the source object.

Cascading of selectors

It is possible to use the messageselectors cascaded. A second selection stage is followed by a further MessageSelector. The messages of the first selection are filtered again by a second selection.

Important: The cascaded MessageSelector (second selection stage) now has the / SelectionBase / SelectedMessages available as MessageListen selection.

The following JobSteps are usually connected to the MessageSelector

en/prozessdefinition/jobs/jobsteps/allgemein/messageselector.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/20 08:15 by