eBiss 3

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Web-Plugin Code

To integrate your aspx page in the eBiss Web Page you have to implement eBiss.Api.IWebPlugin and we recommand to inherit from class eBiss.WebPlugin.Sample.WebPluginBasePage instead of Page.

In your Page_Load you call base.OnPageLoad() to check and initilize the EBissSession.

[DisplayName("Name Of Sidemenu Subpoint")] //This Attribut will be the name of the sidemenu subpoint.
public partial class SamplePage: WebPluginBasePage, IWebPlugin
   //Implement interface member
    public WebPageKind Kind
        get { return WebPageKind.RootPage; }
    //1. if DisplayName is not set, groupname will be used. 
    //2. Identifier for the pages. One Group is able to have more than one page
    public string GroupName 
        get { return "Name for Sidemenu Group"; }
    //Name of the page. In this Example: Sidemenu Name: MyPluginPage, Pagename: MyPage
    public string PageName 
        get { return "MyPage"; }
    //Uri for the .aspx site. Usually the same as the classname
    public string Uri 
        get { return "PlugIns/MyPluginPage.aspx"; }
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

Using the property EBissSession you can search on eBiss, e.g. for documents:

foreach (IDocument doc in EBissSession.DataApplication.Find("eBiss.Data.Document", $"DocNumber.StartsWith(\"{value}\")"))
   Data.MessageItem msgItem = new Data.MessageItem(doc);

Exception Handling

Use RedirectToErrorPage() for error handling:

Code-Beispiel2: Exception Handling.

// don't catch redirect exception!
    if (!IsPostBack)
catch (Exception ex)

If you don't use the Build events for copy you should copy the ./Deploy/ folder with sub folders to the eBiss path.

en/howtos/plugins/pluginwebexample/webplugin.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/20 08:15 by